27 Annual Report 2019 3 Other information according to the Swiss Code of Obliga tions OR and Insurance Supervisory Ordinance FINMA AVO FINMA Affiliated companies At the balance sheet date there were receivables and liabilities in respect of other affiliated companies belonging to the Munich Re Group as follows in CHF 2019 2018 Amount due from companies for reinsurance business Deposits retained on assumed reinsurance business 6 916 926 649 4 418 695 491 Receivables from insurance and reinsurance business 10 837 051 17 459 095 Total 6 927 763 700 4 436 154 586 Amount due to companies for reinsurance business Deposits retained on ceded reinsurance business 0 0 Payables on insurance and reinsurance business 805 999 1 848 008 Total 805 999 1 848 008 Overall Deposits retained on assumed reinsurance business increased by CHF 4 2bn and Technical provisions by CHF 4 4bn in 2019 see Balance sheet as at 31 12 2019 for details Both increases were mainly due to a US transaction and two intra group life treaties and four external contracts with German clients covering interest rate based reserving requirements so called Zinszusatzre serve ZZR The structure of the busi ness requires that assets covering the provisions be deposited These high de posits together with the new ZZR treat ies increased our income from Tech nical interest on premium funds by CHF 66m from CHF 168m to CHF 234m see Income statement for details The total of Deposits retained on ceded reinsurance business increased in line with the Technical provisions ceded by CHF 113m see Balance sheet as at 31 12 2019 for details Contingencies The assets pledged or assigned to se cure NewRe s commitments plus the as sets under reservation of ownership amounted to CHF 551m as at 31 Decem ber 2019 2018 CHF 506m The increase was mainly due to three life treaties Auditors fees The fees for the audit of the 2019 finan cial statements amount to CHF 271k CHF 11k relate to other services In each case fees exclude outlays and VAT Full time equivalents During the year an average of 113 0 FTEs worked at NewRe NewRe AnnualReport 2019 Korrekt indd 27 27 04 20 09 43

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