20 Annual Report 2020 Income statement for the year 2020 Technical accounts in CHF Life 2020 2019 Gross premiums 4 727 126 705 4 737 857 055 Premiums ceded 21 913 455 13 085 521 Net premiums written 4 705 213 250 4 724 771 534 Change in unearned premium reserves gross 4 078 143 2 816 865 Change in unearned premium reserves ceded 1 125 000 0 Change in unearned premium reserves net 5 203 143 2 816 865 Net premiums earned 4 710 416 393 4 721 954 669 Other income from reinsurance business 7 531 997 9 426 119 Technical interest premium funds 431 583 120 233 920 125 Technical interest other technical provisions 278 140 924 950 Technical interest 431 861 260 234 845 075 Total technical income 5 149 809 650 4 966 225 863 Claims paid gross 3 172 604 733 2 432 640 715 Claims paid ceded 9 795 630 5 868 602 Claims paid net 3 162 809 103 2 426 772 113 Change in technical provisions gross 638 672 750 257 364 322 Change in technical provisions ceded 15 865 052 13 286 601 Change in technical provisions net 654 537 802 270 650 923 Net claims and claims expenses incurred 2 508 271 301 2 156 121 190 Acquisition costs gross 2 553 544 866 2 812 026 850 Acquisition costs ceded 1 015 168 439 987 Acquisition costs net 2 552 529 698 2 811 586 863 Administration costs 34 386 741 19 110 228 Other underwriting expenses Total technical expenses 5 095 187 740 4 986 818 281 Technical result for Life 54 621 910 20 592 418 NewRe AnnualReport 2020 indd 20 28 04 21 19 06

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