NewRe Annual Report 2021 25 General accounts in TEUR in TCHF 2021 2020 2021 2020 Note Investment income 428 190 435 959 462 929 471 512 Investment expenses 23 551 27 791 25 462 30 057 Investment result 9 404 639 408 168 437 468 441 455 Of which Interest assigned to technical account 368 881 404 743 398 808 437 749 Investment result excluding interest on technical provisions 35 759 3 426 38 830 3 705 Net result from derivative financial instruments 10 124 957 62 269 135 094 67 347 Administration costs Investments 13 36 393 13 498 39 346 14 599 Operating result 165 758 162 714 179 206 175 983 Other income 17 593 294 19 021 318 Other expenses 2 694 36 368 2 912 39 334 Profit before taxes 180 658 126 640 195 315 136 967 Income tax 24 342 17 718 26 317 19 163 Profit for the year 156 316 108 922 168 997 117 804 Income statement of the year 2021 NewRe Annual Report 2021 Inhalt indd 25 25 04 22 10 19

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