The art of teamwork

A cross-functional team can make the difference between a humdrum deal and a truly satisfying one. It also provides the credibility that clients seek. And credibility begets trust.

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Developing the future

The unpredictability of the wind has inspired poets and songwriters since time immemorial. If you’re a wind farmer, though, it can play havoc with your earnings. How do you take the guesswork out of trying to harness an elemental force?

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Having what it takes

A major client shows up during crunch season with a complex deal that needs to close before yesterday. You can say no. Or you can say yes – and, given the right talent and a bit of improvisation, end up with something that works to everyone’s advantage.

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Everything I do is new

At NewRe, taking on risk is second nature. But joining forces with the ICRC to finance humanitarian aid meant taking on a whole new world of risk. Rebecca Cichon talks about the promise and complexities of applying private sector solutions to public sector problems.

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Relationship building

It’s about more than just capacity

There are many paths to success. In devising innovative solutions tailored to a client’s needs, a young and talented P&C team at NewRe impressed the client with their efficiency and commitment – and landed a new line in a coveted casualty market.

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Contact our People

Contact our People

Alexandra Weiss

Phone +41 58 22 66 500