Property and Casualty underwriting works hard to ensure your success by offering reinsurance solutions that are vital to your business.

NewRe offers treaty reinsurance solutions as an underwriter within the Munich Re Group and thus complementing Munich Re’s Property and Casualty offerings. We are a transaction-oriented reinsurer providing high-quality financial rating and large capacities paired with the ability to structure and evaluate customised solutions.

 We focus on European companies (incl Lloyds) and trade mainly with  brokers. Our underwriters are dedicated sparring partners for our clients, providing them with full transparency concerning decision-making  processes.

We offer standard reinsurance solutions protecting your property and casualty portfolios as well as customised solutions to support solvency and growth and  to protect earnings. Together with our clients, we develop new coverage  concepts mitigating the impact of climate change and to efficiently deal with  more demanding regulatory requirements.

Our solutions

Our multilingual underwriters  are  closely  attuned to  the European market to  provide the solutions you need to maximise your competitiveness.

For Property business our focus is

  • Catastrophe Excess of Loss
  • Aggregate Excess of Loss
  • Risk Excess of Loss
  • Both domestic and multi-territory exposures for insurers with major footprint in Europe

For Casualty business our focus is

  • Motor Excess of Loss treaties
  • Programmes covering European small to medium size commercial liability exposures (Employers’ Liability, Public Product Liability, Professional Liability, Professional Indemnity)
  • Personal Accident Catastrophe Excess of Loss treaties covering death and disability benefits
  • International programmes on commercial risks for insurers with major footprint in Europe

Our team has also developed an advanced expertise to deliver customised solutions derived from the following problematics:

  • Regulatory needs
  • Capital optimisation
  • Earnings protection

To do so, we can provide both prospective and retrospective reinsurance solutions. Multi-year and multiline products are in the scope and we can offer meaningful support (Net loss potential / capacity up to € 50m).


Your benefits

In  choosing to work with  NewRe, you benefit from the Non-Life solutions we provide as well as being able to draw on  our unique set of strengths  for support.

  • Strong technical skills
  • The financial capacity to write significant shares
  • A flexible deal-team approach
  • Direct access to decision-makers and fast response times
  • Outstanding financial ratings and solidity (AA-  security)


Team spirit

Going the extra mile

Complex solutions

The right stuff

Contact our People

Contact our People

Dirk Herrenpoth

Chief Underwriting Officer Property & Casualty
Phone +41 58 22 66 500

Contact our People

Contact our People

David Falk

Head of Property Underwriting
Phone +41 58 22 66 500

Contact our People

Contact our People

Claudia Weiss

Casualty Team Lead, Continental Markets & UK Liability
Phone +41 58 22 66 500